Thursday, November 11, 2010
I am thankful for his work on this video and I hope you all enjoy it.
Click here for the video
Saturday, November 6, 2010
So on Wednesday I visited Cal State Long Beach. A school I am hoping to go to for my masters and just being there really made me re-evaluate what My work is and what it is about. And I had a revelation (kind of). At my current school we have become so comfortable producing work that is somewhat commercial and practical. Which made me re-evaluate the dresses I have been working on. I got re-inspired for what I want to use garments for and they are going to become almost more installation based. I am very excited and cant wait to get something completed so that I can finally show everyone what I have been trying to describe. :)
I have been back for 2 days now, and I am missing LA very much. More specifically you.
Monday, November 1, 2010
With Love, From LA
So now that midterms are over, and I'm feeling very confident about them; I have taken a break and am in LA. Things Ive been doing? Halloween / birthday party for my cousin Veronica and her LG friends, fire pit star gazing, family dinners, and today a Lakers game. All I can really say is Life is Good, and the vacation isn't over yet!
Kooza was amazing! oh and did you see the costumes?
I bought the costume book during intermission. Having front row was soooo good since I got to see some of the costumes up close (like the off white wood grain print on the white leggings of the dancers). The show was so inspiring and I think it will be the inspiration for my graduation piece. exciting stuff...
Monday, October 18, 2010
So now that school is back in full swing and all my midterms start this Thursday I am back to my old habits of staying at school till close (I tryy so hard to leave by 11:30 or 12. I feel like that is some sort of accomplishment of not staying too late), and going back to school after I get off of work. I miss my family haha. Its hard to balance school, work and a life. I have also had to sacrifice hot yoga, as much as I really liked it it is just so hard to wake up at 6 every day when your not getting home till one. Luckily a much needed break is coming soon. Ten days. Nine if you count the fact that is it now past midnight. I am so excited.
I am in the finishing stages of my next dress (which is also doubling as my Halloween costume lol), and I have also done some documentation so photos of shoes I painted for Glen will be posted soon.
I also wonder what will happen to the studios after I graduate. I almost never see other people late at night, I wonder if after I graduate all of the studios will be empty after 10?
Lets hope I survive this next week.
(I think my blog is still running on LA time, it says that I posted this at 11:44 but it is now almost 1)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Fall Lighting

I am so in love with fall, and the lighting and colors right now. I decided to show the pictures from the first two dresses we shot yesterday. Glen is so amazing I love when he shoots my work. I figure that even if I do the get into Art aWEARness the details of the dresses will not be visable that night. This dress is based off of J.M William Turner's The Slave Ship and I wanted to shoot this piece to kind of mimic the painting, with the colors of the sunset (obviously we couldnt get the colors that intense) and the reflection in the water. I am very happy witht these photos.

again, the photos is taken by Glen Co
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sneak Peak!

So the photo shoot today with Glen Co and Coco was amazing :) I am very excited to see the photos. here is a behind the scenes shot I took.
Crazy Coincidence
Yesterday my family and I watched "The Wedding Singer" which led the conversation to "Never Been Kissed". So today I am in my studio and one of the girls brings up Never been kissed. Then getting in my car to go home after the shoot "Video Killed the Radio Star" was playing on the radio. wierd right?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I want to say a big thank you to Sabrina who is in Fashion PR and wore one of my pieces to Edmonton fashion week as well as Alberta Fasion week. This piece was shown in my show Setsugetsuka on one of the dancers, but I love how she decided to wear it to the events!
I am sort of torn about putting up pictures of my new wearable pieces. I am thinking of using them to apply to Art AWEARness at ACAD in which case I would want the show to be their debut.. But I have a really exciting photoshoot planned tomorrow with Glen. Maybe I will post the "Fashion Photos" but not studio photos of the pieces? (that will also be a new navigational button soon, to get better detail of my pieces). Or maybe I will just post the ones from the shoot tomrrow (there will only be two pieces) and keep the rest a secret until I know if I am in the show or not? hmmm...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Brook Fung for Peeko Appearal is so amazing. I absolutely love her work. This is my second time modeling for her (the last was at the Park Show) and both times I just want some of her pieces, this time around I know for sure I will be getting some (thinking the removable shoulder pieces).
Here are some photos that photographer Ian Harding took from that night
Saturday, September 25, 2010
New Navigation
haha so this is something I've been meaning to do for a while, but now there is navigation on the right side that you can click to jump to any of my work: custom shoes, hand printed, hand woven, painted silk, wearable and process pictures. this makes it easier than trying to scroll through old posts to see my work and is one step closer to a new website, which I hope to do soon but Im not sure when I can actually do this. Now that I have this process set up, I will be more on top of things taking pictures and uploading them.
So what promted me to do this? Sabrina, a fashion PR wore one of my silk pieces (look up wearable, its the purple hooded piece, hope to have photos of Sabrina wearing it as well) to Edmonton fashion week and next week will also be wearing it to Calgary fashion week.
Speaking of alberta fashion week, I will be modeling for one of my fav local designers Brook Fung for Peeko.
I also am already in the works of my new "collection" I say it like that because Im not sure its a fashion collection but rather a collection of dresses that fit into my art point of view
Stay tooned for more pictures!
side note: Im also pretty bummbed because I burned all between my thumb and pointer finger on my left hand at work. Dont realize how much you use this part of your hand until it is super tender :(
some newer, some older
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
The First Days of the Year I Graduate
So I have officially started my last year at ACAD. Im excited, and scared and excited. But boy do we ever just jump right into things. First day we discussed our grad paper, and we have to go over out outline next week. Its not as scary as I initally feared. thank goodness. I still havent had all of my first classes yet, so hopefully I can be successful at all of them.. I need to work my but off try to win some scholarships and maybe sell some shoes (?!?!?!) to make it to LA.
I miss LA. My heart is there. You really are my heart.
Anyways im getting excited about some of my proposed projects so this semester should produce some exciting things! As the semester goes on I'll post photos of my work
Sunday, September 5, 2010
So now what? After the show I just slept for about 2 days straight (not including when I was at work) and then I started to feel unproductive, after spending the whole summer constantly having something to work on. Soo yes I guess this means I am a keener but I started working on my prints that I will be starting when I start school.. so I've already started my first project.
When I was raising the topic of Asian identity last year foot binding became a main interest for me. I began dealing with the idea of "Covering up the Ugly Truth, with the Beautiful, the Embellished, and the Lavish" which was actually the title of one of my social science papers. So this year to continue on with that theme i will be exploring foot binding prints more but will start to include prints that are based off of famous paintings that have a morbid subject to them but made beautiful.. the first painting (which i have already completed the design for the print) is that of Turners -The slave ship. I am also currently working on Goya's the 3rd of may and Rubens - Rape of the daughters of Leucippus. Many classic prints have subject matter like this so its not hard to find inspiration. These prints will then be turned into wearable pieces, if the last series was linen jackets, this series will be cotton dresses.
Also I have started Hot yoga. I started on thursday and so far have gone every day (excpet today because there wasnt any classes before I started work). I plan to make this a regular part of my day/life.
Oh also, I have decided that I will not be persuing a fashion diploma in Italy but rather go to CalstateLA for a masters in textiles and fashion (fingers crossed).
Sunday, August 15, 2010
or you can read the information here:
A Debut exhibition by Ashley Quan, A Fibre major entering her last year at ACAD.
The event will take place at the Engineered Air Theater in the Epcor center (it has its own entrance on 9th avenue SW). Doors will open at 7:00pm and the show will start at 7:30pm. The opening act will be a breakin’ performance by local crew Grim Reminder, followed by the main performance by 5 amazing local dancers, and concluding with a mini fashion show. It is recommended to arrive early as the seats will be first come first serve, and artwork and show information will be arranged around the venue.
Tickets are $10 at the door. There will be a bar located in the lobby, and unlike other theaters you are allowed to bring your drinks into the theater to enjoy during the show or while you are just looking at the displays.
Setsugetsuka is a body of work that has been in process from beginning to end for about two years. The name Setsugetsuka comes from a series of paintings by Tokugawa Nariaki at the LACMA which represent the feeling of this show: in a word, in a phrase, in a poem. Quoted from the plaque accompanying the paintings:
“Setsugetsuka is a timeless Japanese poetic phrase symbolizing three of the four seasons (winter, autumn, and spring). Here ( to view the original paintings follow this link, each character is written in black ink, in archaic Chinese style. This combination of Chinese-style “power” and Japanese-style “delicacy” in one work is extremely unusual and visually arresting.”
This series of work is a representation of my heritage. I am half Chinese and half Irish, and I have been looking to hold onto my Asian heritage while living in a western world. This created the idea of using traditional Asian techniques/imagery as the foundation for the pieces. The main pieces are pieces of silk that are hand dyed using a painting technique of bokashi, which is a Japanese term meaning from this color to that. The imagery used is inspired by Japanese print artist Kastushika Hokusai’s series of flower prints where he successfully portrays the idea of movement and atmosphere in the prints. The performance is to create an idea of atmosphere where the silks represent the seasons that spin around leaving the viewer lost in the center. Each dancer is also a representation of an animal living within their environment, a Japanese crane, frog, octopus, monkey and a woman. Their spirits dance with each other creating harmony and balance.
The jacket collection is based on traditional Chinese imagery silk screened onto linen which are then transformed into jackets. This story is about women escaping the ball to meet her lover and being caught in her love affair.
Thank you for your time and interest, I hope to see you at the event.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
So it all sets into motion.
Now that it is August things are really moving. The event is now out there with a facebook event as well as some advertising. today I have been working on the music and trying to make a check list because the next few weeks is going to be a little insane. tickets should be released by the end of the week. I am really nervous right now but luckily I have a wonderful support team helping me out. Now if only I could give away the sewing and construction haha. Today is also the first day I go back to work, and this week I only have one day off. This slightly adds to the stress a little bit, but I do need to be able to pay for the venue, and save for my next trip to LA. wish me luck.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
After LA I flew to Vancouver for the circle prinz competition where I won the sticker contest (click the link to see my winning submission). Thursday I met up with my friend myles and had an awesome time going around the city and seeing the sites. My hostel was pretty cute I would say. There was a vintage desk that I really wanted to bring home with me. As more friends arrived in the next two days I got to party/eat with some new friends and go to the beach to celebrate a kids first birthday with old friends. I ended up missing the circle prinz event! I know, ridiculous since thats why I went to vancouver. I kinda wish I stayed in LA that extra weekend.
Met up with my parents in Van for my last night and then we drove off to Kelowna to visit with my Aunt and a cousin. Kelowna was small (it has only one shopping mall) and the beaches wern't as nice as LA or Van, but it was nice spending time with family. My cousin and I tried to get mani/pedi's but of course it had to be a long weekend and everything was closed. we accidently wandered into a "gentleman's relaxation and massage" place that was furnished with leather couches, a big screen tv and stripper poles with a mirrored background, with rooms I couldn't see behind this. oops. After a few days in kelowna it was time for the drive back to Calgary, with a pit stop in revelstoke to visit another cousin and her baby.
Many hours later of me trying to sleep but really just thinking of him to try and pass the time we are back home. Its kinda weird because the whole time of thinking of going back home I kinda pictured everyone from LA waiting for us. Back to reality. First night in Calgary and best way to spend it? go to Shiboya and bubblemania. New fav drink at bubblemania: nectarine/lychee with green apple jellies. yumm.
Friday, July 30, 2010
I Left My Heart at LAX
A look at some of the people I met, places we went and over all good times spent in LA
Celebrating my Birthday at Tokyo Delves: including dance contest on chair, sake bombs and performances by the servers. Over all one of the best nights probably of my life.
The Japanese Gardens: Amazing. I want this in my Backyard.
This trip to LA surpassed my expectations ten fold. I cant wait to go back (the plan is to go back in october) I met so many new people and prob one person in particular that changed everything for me. I cant seem to sum up my trip in words because there was just so much. I decided to make these photos because I thought it was the best way to describe my trip. It took alot of my strength to not cry at the airport. I miss you all and cant wait to see you again. Love.
There are times, when you'll need someone...
I will be by your side
There is a light, that shines
Special for you, and me...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
On a side note: Things I would normally blog about
- I got a horrible burn on my hips at the beach :(
- Went to a Tiki themed drive in movie theater
- I am assisting with codename (a production company) to film a music video. spent all day today/yesterday doing prepwork and will spend all day tomorrow/in 7 hours helping with the filming.
- I am entering the sticker contest for circle prinz and am super excited about my entry.
- Will be shooting more jackets next week
- Lastly. My trip to Vancouver has changed.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Palm Springs
Watermelon Nails! needed something new for all the fun adventures we would have in palm springs. Palm springs was an amazing vacation within a vacation. when we first got there it seemed hot beyond belief (around 100-110 degrees, I have no idea what that would be in Canada) but once we got in the pool and in the air conditioned villa the heat didnt bother us at all. So busy I didnt take any pictures other than this one? So much fun though, didnt want it to end, and for sure will look forward to going there again.
Here is an amazing bracelet i just bought from St. Eve an LA designer who makes jewelery some from vintage things and such. I love this. Check out her site here.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Because I'm a Black and Gold Kinda Girl
Also today i felt my first earthquake. It was small but still made my stomach woozy feeling.