I want to say a big thank you to Sabrina who is in Fashion PR and wore one of my pieces to Edmonton fashion week as well as Alberta Fasion week. This piece was shown in my show Setsugetsuka on one of the dancers, but I love how she decided to wear it to the events!
I am sort of torn about putting up pictures of my new wearable pieces. I am thinking of using them to apply to Art AWEARness at ACAD in which case I would want the show to be their debut.. But I have a really exciting photoshoot planned tomorrow with Glen. Maybe I will post the "Fashion Photos" but not studio photos of the pieces? (that will also be a new navigational button soon, to get better detail of my pieces). Or maybe I will just post the ones from the shoot tomrrow (there will only be two pieces) and keep the rest a secret until I know if I am in the show or not? hmmm...
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