Well the show is now over, it was a great success and I want to thank everyone who made it possible. From the dancers, to the models, photographers and of course the people who came to support me Thank You Soooo Much!
So now what? After the show I just slept for about 2 days straight (not including when I was at work) and then I started to feel unproductive, after spending the whole summer constantly having something to work on. Soo yes I guess this means I am a keener but I started working on my prints that I will be starting when I start school.. so I've already started my first project.
When I was raising the topic of Asian identity last year foot binding became a main interest for me. I began dealing with the idea of "Covering up the Ugly Truth, with the Beautiful, the Embellished, and the Lavish" which was actually the title of one of my social science papers. So this year to continue on with that theme i will be exploring foot binding prints more but will start to include prints that are based off of famous paintings that have a morbid subject to them but made beautiful.. the first painting (which i have already completed the design for the print) is that of Turners -The slave ship. I am also currently working on Goya's the 3rd of may and Rubens - Rape of the daughters of Leucippus. Many classic prints have subject matter like this so its not hard to find inspiration. These prints will then be turned into wearable pieces, if the last series was linen jackets, this series will be cotton dresses.
Also I have started Hot yoga. I started on thursday and so far have gone every day (excpet today because there wasnt any classes before I started work). I plan to make this a regular part of my day/life.
Oh also, I have decided that I will not be persuing a fashion diploma in Italy but rather go to CalstateLA for a masters in textiles and fashion (fingers crossed).
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