Apiana Que was started in April of 2007, originally for a leather accessory line. Wanting the name to really represent me, I used the month of april to derive "Apiana" and added Que so that the company name would have my initials; Phonetically app-e-anna cue. As a graduate of ACAD (May 2011) from Fibre I grew a strong intereset in print making (esp in the repeat) while I explored different forms of display for my printed work, garment making became one of them. While I dont call myself a fashion designer I enjoy making collections that have a story or concept behind them, challanging myself to investigaete pattern and technique. Some of these garments are made for performance, with the fabric interacting with the model during a runway show, and some are created for photography; this allows me to display my art in a way that can reach many people.
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